The Hall Charity
The Village Hall (previously known as the Jubilee Mission Hall) was owned by the Church of England - specifically St Laurence's Church, Wicken. It was run by a committee of the Parochial Church Council. In 2016 the Church decided it no longer needed the hall for its original purpose and decided to sell it. The Wicken Parish Council agreed to buy it and it was decided to form a new charity to continue running it. The Council agreed to lease the hall to the Charity on a long term lease for a peppercorn rent.
The Wicken Jubilee Village Hall Charity was therefore formed and was formally registered by the Charity Commission on 28 June 2017. It is a form of charity known as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
The initial Trustees were appointed from the members of the original Hall management Committee but other local organisations that support the hall were invited to nominate trustees. Trustees are elected once per year at the Annual General Meeting, which is open to the public.
The Charity has one sole aim and that is to provide a village hall for the people of Wicken and the surrounding area. Its main sources of funds are from hiring out the hall for local activities and private functions, and organising fund raising events such as dances, dinners, markets, etc. Donations are always welcome and gratefully received.
The Charity is run in accordance with Charity Commission rules. The principal documents that govern its running are available below.
Constitution This is the primary document that spells out the aims and the procedures for running the Charity. It is available here.
Financial Rules Available here
Safeguarding Policy The Charities policy for safeguarding children is here.
Equal Opportunities Policy. The Charities Equal Opportunities policy is here.
Health and Safety Policy. The Health and Safety Policy Statement is here